I have been interested in the exploration of the human consciousness ever since my adolescence. I was particularly fascinated by the millennia-old eastern knowledge which has
been handed down in the form of Taoism, Buddhism, Sufism and Advaita Vedanta, for instance. How can this profound store of knowledge which humanity has collected over the course of thousands of
years be reconciled with our western, contemporary psychological and neurobiological knowledge?
C.G. Jung made pioneering inroads into this, as did the mythologist Joseph Campbell. Transcendental psychology with teachers such as Ken Wilber and Stanislav Graf and Buddhist
psychology as communicated by Jack Kornfield, Mark Esptein and many other authors have left their mark on me. The current quantum-physical and neurobiological knowledge from the west is
surprisingly similar to the subjectively gained eastern insights.
Today, authors and researchers such as Daniel Siegel, Fritjof Capra, Hanspeter Dürr, Ervin Laszlo and many more are building important bridges between east and west, between
understanding gained from subjective insight and objective research. Eckhart Tolle is one of my favourite contemporary philosophers and spiritual teachers.