Born and bred in Basel.
‘A’-levels at the Humanistisches Gymnasium, Basel.
Medical studies with state examinations and doctorate as a Dr med. at the University of Basel.
Training as a FMH consultant in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Cantonal Psychiatric Clinics of Bellelay (Bern) and Liestal (Baselland), at the Hôpital Cantonal de
Porrentruy (Internal Medicine), at the Centre Médicopsychologique du Jura in Delémont and Porrentruy (out-patients psychiatric clinic).
Consultant at the Centre Médicopsychologique du Jura in Delémont and Porrentruy and at the Cantonal Psychiatric Clinics Baselland Liestal.
I have had my own practice in Basel since 1986.
You can find a detailed description of my career here.